Ya'at'eeh,So, this week has been well with me. Tuesday was bitter-sweet. We had some dang good lessons with some less actives an some recent converts. We taught Jack Schindler the Restoration again, because he has to be taught all of the lessons after baptism. We had the Cason's with us. They are some of best Ward Missionaries around! They did a pretty good job teaching the majority of the lesson. One of the Part Member Families that we have been teaching, just dropped us out of the blue. It was really sad, and we thought they were doing just grand with the lessons. I was pretty sad after that. But we had some lessons in the evening that cheered me up.Wednesday, we had a lesson with a less active family and they said they were going to be comming to church yesterday. Only the husband came, because the wife wasn't feeling well. It was good to see him there though! We also got to walk dogs at the shelter, so that was fun! I walked a dog named Galadriel. She was a neat dog, and If we could have pet's on the mission, I would adopt her.Thursday, we had district meeting. It was pretty fun, because we played a Jeopardy game that Elder Richards came up with. I scored on the church history questions (Thanks Mom for teaching the Doctrine and Covenants last year). That was pretty neat! We had a pretty slow day, because all of our appointments fell trough. We disd see John Valdez, and had a really good discussion with him.Friday, We went to the Jail and had a good discussion with an inmate in there. He is doing well and trying to "get out by November so that" we "can Baptize" him. He is a neat dude. We also saw Sylvia Ortiz, she is doing well, and is back on date for baptism again. She is scheduled for Oct. 10. She is so ready and wants to be baptized so badly.Saturday, We did some service with some members in 1st Ward, the Palfreyman's. It was a lot of fun painting some lady's house. Elder Bratt also got the call, that he was going to be a district leader in Luepp, AZ. He is pretty excited to leave Farmington, mainly because he as been here for almost 6 months, and that's how long he's been out. He'll do well. I will be in 4th Ward here in Farmington, with Elder "Brown" Ellis. Everyone calls him Brown Ellis, because he is one of two Elder Ellis's, but he is the only Brown one. He is Half Mexican, Half Northern Ute. It's his last transfer, but I guess he is going to finnish strong! I'm excited, because he sounds like a pretty neat dude. They are Splitting our area, 4th and 7th, Halleluja! We are Excited. 7th ward is being Pink Washed by 3 sisters. It should be a "transision". They'll do well though.Anyway, Hope all is well with Y'all. Thank you for your Prayers. Keep the Faith, Live the Truth. Love the Lord.Ayoo' Anishnii'. Hagoonee',Elder BreinholtMissionaryNew Mexico Farmington Mission
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Sup Y'all??
Monday, September 14, 2015
Hard Work Pays Off!
Man... this has been a crazy week.
we taught a less active family and had a pretty good conversation with
them. The wife is blind, and the husband has heart problems. They have
been sick for a while, and so they haven't been able to come to church
for a long time. They are taking the right steps to get back to church.
We also saw a part member family named the Trujillo's. The mom is a
member, but the kids and the grandchild is not. Victor, Valentino and
Valentina (Twins), and an older daughter that i can't remember her name,
are Sheila's (the mom). Zac is the older daughter's son. These kids are
stinking smart!! They have a strong understanding of the small and
simple truths of the gospel. It's super neat to talk to them.
I was on exchanges with one of the Zone Leaders, Elder Hozman
(pronounced Ohzmahn (the H is silent)). He is Colombian, and he is
really quite short. He is a goofy kid. He likes to joke around a lot,
but he knows when to be serious. We tried to stop by some people in our
area book, but unfortunately, they were not home. We did teach Jack
Schindler, one of our Recent Converts. We had a good lesson with him. We
tried to tract a little bit later that day. We were in this
neighborhood, and I saw a Wyoming License plate with county 19 on it. I
said, "Cool, someone from Evanston!" We knocked on the door, and this
lady answered. She said her niece just got back from the New York
Manhattan mission. We asked if she was a member, she said, no. But we
think her husband is a less active member. She offered to feed us
anytime. So that was pretty neat!
we ran into (knocked on her door) a less active lady that was baptized
back in 2011. She lost contact will everyone from the church, so she was
super happy to see us. She said she had been waiting for us to stop by.
Earlier in the day I was going through the area book, and saw her
daughter was listed as an investigator. I got the prompting to stop by
and so we did. She said she wants us to re-teach her the lessons, so we
said we would. It was super neat to meet her, because she is Lakota
Sioux. She was born in Valentine Nebraska, and knows of course where
Gillette is. Small world!
we did weekly planning, and then we went and saw a Less Active Member.
She is only probably 25 or 26, but she has SEVERE ADHD..... Talking to
her, I got Exhausted. She hadn't taken her medication that day, and so
it was like she was talking in circles. It was crazy!! I was so tired
after that lesson.
we helped a man in our apartment complex move. That took up the
majority of our day. He is a JW, but he was super friendly to us and he
was very appreciative of the help we offered him.
We had Stake Conference, and so we only had 2 hours of church! It was a
very very good conference. The theme was on Keeping the Sabbath Day
Holy. Since we only had 2 hours of church, We didn't know what to do for
the rest of the day. We did quite a bit of tracting. We tracted around
member's houses, and asked if there was anyone they thought we should
see. We have also been trying to ask for referrals from everyone. When
we ask from those who are not interested themselves, they open up a
great deal. It's been such a blessing since we've started doing that
this week.
Anywho. I hope you all are well. May the lord bless you in all of your endeavors. Keep the faith. Live the truth. Love the Lord.
Ayoo' Anishnii'. Hagoonee',
Elder Breinholt
New Mexico Farmington Mission

Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Come unto Christ and be perfected in Him
So we had some pretty neat stuff happen this week!
we had Jack S.'s baptismal interview. It was super neat to see
him be ready for baptism! We also saw the Mills (4th Ward). Carolyn is a
super active member that works in the temple every two weeks. Her
husband Ivan is a born again Christian who is just a cowboy at heart!
Going over and talking with him makes me miss home a bit, but man he is a
great guy! They are in their late 60's early 70's and we talk to mainly
Ivan. Carolyn puts her words in and helps us out a lot! Ivan just needs
to gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon and he is set. We also saw an
investigator in 7th ward named Evalisa S. She is a great
investigator and really honestly wants to learn. We bring a member named
George F. along with us, because she is Dine (Navajo) , and he is
Dine. So they get a long quite well. Evalisa is living with her
boyfriend Brian Y. They have two kids. We decided that we might as
well just teach her about the Law of Chastity and the Word of Wisdom.
Man... Was I glad that George was there! He helped out a ton teaching
Chastity. We invited her to obey the Word of Wisdom, and she said she
would. We also invited her and Brian to think about getting married. She
said she would, so they are doing quite well.
we went and saw Sylvia O., an investigator in 7th ward. She was
supposed to get baptized this weekend, but her son, who's a member, said
he couldn't make it. So we are hoping for two weeks. We had a good
lesson with her, and she is getting really close!
we had District Meeting. Side note, I have been playing the piano in
District Meetings ever since I got to Farmington. I'm improving every
time I play! Mom... You were right, I should've taken Piano lessons more
serious. Tell Carolyn that I am sorry. You told me and I should've
listened! But I am getting better and better! I can play quite a few
songs with both hands now! The Lord is blessing me in that regard!
we did weekly planning, and also went to the San Juan County Detention
Center. Since it is in our area, we have some inmates who request visits
with us. They are all really kind to us, and we are super excited for
Leroy J. to get released this next week so that we can formally
teach him the lessons and get him baptized. He is a really good guy who
is in jail for one stupid decision. He really has desires to change, and
also go to the temple. His ex-girlfriend is an active member, so he
knows quite a bit about the church! He has read the Book of Mormon 3
times so far, and he said every time he reads it again, he finds more
and more! He is really quite prepared, it's just a matter of getting him
taught, Baptized, the Aaronic Preisthood, and then eventually the
Melchizedek Preisthood and to the Temple! He is a solid dude! We also
had the Ward Barbecue for 7th Ward, and they had the big inflatable
balls that you get into and can run into each other. It was a lot of
fun, and Elder Bratt and I decided to run full speed into each other
from 30 yds. away. Let me just say, that Elder Bratt is 6'3" and 215
lbs., and I'm only 6'1" and 190 lbs, so needless to say, it felt like I
got hit by a bus. It was a lot of fun!
was a great day! We finally had Jack's Baptism! He was so prepared and
so excited! He is a really great guy! He has such a desire to do what is
right! He had been waiting for that day for quite a while! He just knew
it was right!
Jack was confirmed, and he received the gift of the Holy Ghost. His
eyes lit up after that! He was ecstatic and he was also very emotional!
It was super neat to see how the church has changed his life thus far.
Anywho, I "Hopi" (haha sorry) you are well! Stay fast to the iron rod! Keep the faith. Live the truth. Love the Lord!
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